The Get Fit For Your Wedding PRIORITY ORDER FORM

I understand that by placing my order Now, I can claim my copy of “The Get Fit For Your Wedding Program” PLUS the LIMITED BONUSES for a one time fee of $57 during this special offer.

Remember, there is NO RISK at all for you to try The Get Fit For Your Wedding Program. If you aren't thrilled with the instant weight loss and increased energy in 60 days, let us know and we'll refund your order. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

In fact, I am so excited to help you make a lasting change in your body and your health and ensure you look your best on your big day that I convinced my friend Geovanni Derice to throw in Mind Over Matter Secret Recordings (value $39, yours FREE TODAY) as a gift to you. These principles will make an immediate difference in your life and you'll be wondering why you were never told these simple things before.

Within the audios he breaks down the mental barriers you face on a daily basis and simple to do exercises to shape your mind so that it's far easier to shape your body. This will seem like heavy duty stuff at first but it's the same principle Geovanni used to help a woman lose over 30 lbs in less than 12 months. Note she tried losing the same amount
of weight for 10 years and could not! (oustanding huh? )

Want an even better deal?

Upgrade to the "Yellow Gold"  Get Fit For Your Wedding Package

Get Fit For Your Wedding Targeted Workouts...

Within this series you will received specialized workouts that you can do which take less than 20 minutes to complete which will help work all the common areas that brides seem to have trouble with.  If you ever wondered what your arms, back and tummy are going to fit in your "dream" wedding dress, fear no more.

These special targeted workouts will help take your results to new heights and have you looking like a 10 on the Wedding day.  The targeted workouts usually sell for $97 just by themselves but when you upgrade to the "yellow gold" package you can get the entire Get Fit For Your Wedding Program, limited time bonus, and the targeted workouts all for a grand total of only $87.

Wait, one more thing...    

Mind Over Matter Manual...Upgrade today to the complete Platinum Get Fit For Your Wedding Package and receive everything in the "white gold" & "yellow gold" packages plus Mind Over Matter Manual which includes exercises that you do mentally, you get to learn from people who lost a ton of weight in a short period time and be able to mirror their success. 

This is going to feel almost like magic when you get your hands on this.

You Have 3 Options To Choose From...

White Gold Package

Get Fit For Your Wedding Manual

Fast Food Guide

Healthy Recipes Menu

2 week Emergency Plan

Mind Over Matter Secret Recordings




Yellow Gold Package

Get Fit For Your Wedding Manual

Fast Food Guide

Healthy Recipes Menu

2 week Emergency Plan

Mind Over Matter Secret Recordings
Get Fit For Your Wedding Targeted Workout Series

 Platinum Package

Get Fit For Your Wedding Manual

Fast Food Guide

Healthy Recipes Menu

2 week Emergency Plan

Mind Over Matter Secret Recordings
Get Fit For Your Wedding Targeted Workout Series

Mind Over Matter Manual

Today... $57


Deluxe Package
Today... $107

For your security, when purchasing the Get Fit For Your Wedding Program, you will be transferred to a page that looks like this:

Will This Be You....?
(We Believe Yes!)

"Number 1 Resource For Brides To Be"

“As a trainer for Brides to be, I not only want to provide the best workouts and advice possible to get them wedding dress ready; but I also want to arm them with the knowledge to stay fit for life. I want to give them something to stay motivated and accountable during the hours I am not with them. I have searched for the perfect complement to our training program. 

Much of what I have found has either been overwhelming, misleading or just not the right fit for my girls. I want them to have the best. When this ebook was presented to me I knew that THIS WAS IT!! This is the perfect item to share with my brides. It is truly complementary to what I do with them in their training. This is a MUST HAVE for any and all brides!  My girls love it!!!"."

Rhode Island